Friday, February 22, 2008

Spring is around the corner!

It's time to think about Birdhouses! Putting up new houses now will provide ample time for birds to get used to the new structure in their environment. Birds like to investigate multiple locations before choosing where to raise their family.

When choosing a new birdhouse keep these things in mind:

  • Find out which birds in your area will likely take up residence in a man-made birdhouse.
  • Choose a house that is correct for the species you are trying to accommodate: Dimensions of the house and entry hole size are crucial for success.
  • Place the house in a suitable location. Proper height above the ground and facing away from prevailing winds is important.

Find out even more information about offering 'Birdie Real Estate' in the following books:

Here's a list of birds that will most likely check out backyard birdhouses:

  • Bluebird
  • Chickadee
  • Nuthatch
  • Wren
  • Screech Owl
  • Northern Flicker
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • and many, many more!
We offer houses for a variety of cavity nesters... check them out now!

And don't forget about the bats! Now is also the right time to put up a new bat house. Check out bat houses by
clicking here and learn more about bats by purchasing these bat books.

Thanks for reading!