Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Attracting Birds

Attracting a specific bird to your yard requires research and a lot of patience. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the bird can be found in your region.
  • Find out what types of feed they like: seed, fruit, nectar, mealworms, suet, etc.
  • Use the correct type of feeder. Some birds cannot use perches, they prefer a platform or a feeder they can cling to.
  • Provide a birdhouse specific to their needs: dimensions, entry hole size, mounted or hanging, etc.
  • Water features (birdbaths or a small pond) are always a great way to attract birds.
  • Planting trees, shrubs or flowers can be helpful. They will provide shelter, food and nesting materials. They also attract insects that many birds like to eat!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Backyard Birding Survey Results

Thank you to all of our Backyard Birding Survey participants!

Of those surveyed...

  • 78% have five or more bird feeders in their yards!
  • 100% offer suet to their backyard birds!
  • 22% offer mealworms!
  • 56% feed and/or house Bluebirds!
  • 33% maintain a Purple Martin House or Colony.
  • 78% feed the squirrels, too!
  • 89% plant flowers, trees or shrubs to attract a wider variety of birds to their yards!

Watch for another survey coming soon!